I loved it!
I know this camera crew spent so much time with Barbara and Romy, and they had to condense the tens of (hundreds? of) hours down to a 45 minute show. I tried to picture myself doing this, and STILL getting the picture conveyed! Pretty hard to decide what to put it, what to take out.
I think they did a great job blending between Romy & Barbara, a great balance that would give people 'on the outside' a peek into what happens on the 'inside'.
When they asked about "cults" and if JWs could be one, because "Aren't cults usually run by one person?" The expert, Janja, said, "Well, it began that way, and the leadership became the governing body"....... "They have, what we might call, charisma by proxy. So they're the authoritarian leaders that cannot be questioned"
Let's not forget that. What about Jim Jones? What if only half the people died, and 3 or four men took his place? They would still have a cult... What if more people joined? Still a cult.